In this blog I am compiling a list of things which are seriously flawed and which needs serious consideration from intellectuals to rectify them. This blog will be in beta phase for a long time because of various edits that will appear time and again. Let me start with my list.
1. The subject of History is almost unanimously loathed in school by students all over India and in whatever language it is.
Reason - The history which we read contains mostly war description. It is very detailed regarding dates of war and the change of dynasties. It is presented such that dynasties in India had always been at war. Also the description is so subtle that Indians were always defeated by whichever aggressor that came to India. Description for Hindu rulers is suppressed to 1 paragraph whereas Muslim aggressors are glorified across various chapters. Definitely this subtle mind-game to destroy the psyche of students at young age don't satisfy their instincts. There is no attempt made to connect the students with their past. With the removal of all great achievements by the Indian ancestry from the History books, it is the most loathed subject in the whole curriculum.
2. Justice in India is slow beyond imagination.
Reason - Indian Penal Code (IPC, 1861), Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC, 1973), Indian Evidence Act (1871) are archaic laws designed by Britishers so that the justice is always delayed.
3. People fear Police more than a dacoit.
Reason - Thanks to the Indian Police Act of 1861 which gives them unprecedented power to terrorise people.
4. Water shortage where ever you go.
Reason - For any civilization to grow and prosper, a regular supply of water is necessary. All ancient civilization around the world propered near river beds. India being a continued civilization had well designed cities with proper supply of water. But, now water scarcity is affecting almost every city. Why this has happened. Recently, I came to know that the water management was done efficiently till the advent of British rule in India. Britishers wanted to make Indians so weak that they won't be able to protest against them ever again. To achieve this goal, they took innumberable steps. One of them was water management. Earlier each village had their own water management system. Under this system a group of people took necessary care of community ponds, and small dykes. They made regular checks to ensure that water level is maintained in the ponds during dry spells. These people belonged to specific caste and their profession was well guarded by the rules of the inter-caste relationships. Britishers systematically attacked these castes and they took the administration of water under a centralized head called Public Works Division (PWD). PWDs were created at the level of district, with a single office managing over thousands of villages. Britishers knew very well that this department would not be able to manage the water supply in all the villages. But their ulterior goals were fulfilled. PWD took the authority of managing ponds and river streams from local people in the villages. Soon, the ponds either dried up and villagers started depending on rain as the major source of water supply.
5. Garbage on the streets
1. The subject of History is almost unanimously loathed in school by students all over India and in whatever language it is.
Reason - The history which we read contains mostly war description. It is very detailed regarding dates of war and the change of dynasties. It is presented such that dynasties in India had always been at war. Also the description is so subtle that Indians were always defeated by whichever aggressor that came to India. Description for Hindu rulers is suppressed to 1 paragraph whereas Muslim aggressors are glorified across various chapters. Definitely this subtle mind-game to destroy the psyche of students at young age don't satisfy their instincts. There is no attempt made to connect the students with their past. With the removal of all great achievements by the Indian ancestry from the History books, it is the most loathed subject in the whole curriculum.
2. Justice in India is slow beyond imagination.
Reason - Indian Penal Code (IPC, 1861), Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC, 1973), Indian Evidence Act (1871) are archaic laws designed by Britishers so that the justice is always delayed.
3. People fear Police more than a dacoit.
Reason - Thanks to the Indian Police Act of 1861 which gives them unprecedented power to terrorise people.
4. Water shortage where ever you go.
Reason - For any civilization to grow and prosper, a regular supply of water is necessary. All ancient civilization around the world propered near river beds. India being a continued civilization had well designed cities with proper supply of water. But, now water scarcity is affecting almost every city. Why this has happened. Recently, I came to know that the water management was done efficiently till the advent of British rule in India. Britishers wanted to make Indians so weak that they won't be able to protest against them ever again. To achieve this goal, they took innumberable steps. One of them was water management. Earlier each village had their own water management system. Under this system a group of people took necessary care of community ponds, and small dykes. They made regular checks to ensure that water level is maintained in the ponds during dry spells. These people belonged to specific caste and their profession was well guarded by the rules of the inter-caste relationships. Britishers systematically attacked these castes and they took the administration of water under a centralized head called Public Works Division (PWD). PWDs were created at the level of district, with a single office managing over thousands of villages. Britishers knew very well that this department would not be able to manage the water supply in all the villages. But their ulterior goals were fulfilled. PWD took the authority of managing ponds and river streams from local people in the villages. Soon, the ponds either dried up and villagers started depending on rain as the major source of water supply.
5. Garbage on the streets